Tuesday, October 18, 2005

U2 Bono Pull Boner - Put in With Hillary and Santorum

U2, along with their singer Bono, were being courted by two of the most evil people on the planet. Bono may think he is politically savy but he has been played for a schmuck for some time. Most of us laugh at the millionaire tool as he is taken in by both evil Democrats and fatter and more evil Republicans.

, executive director of DATA (debt AIDS trade Africa), the Africa advocacy group co-founded by , said in a statement this week that, "Throughout the , politicians from both sides have been organizing fundraisers at the venues or around specific shows. Neither DATA or Bono are involved in these and they cannot be controlled."

Fans had delugged the group and in particular Bono for allowing the likes of and the facist pundit from Pennsylvannia to wow them with luxury sweets and luxury treats for the privilage of sharing bread with them.

With the rulers of the world aware that they can ride the backs of artists into the hearts of the youth traps like this will catch the beast. How deep they fall is a matter of how badly they want to keep their money. Bono and U2 were well into this courting of the kings until the fans started to ask too many questions and put up a large row on the website. Bono has capitulated and canceled some of the parties for the biggies.

"The are categorically not fundraisers for any politician--they are rock concerts for U2 fans," he continued.

In the past, U2 has backed campaigns in the past against nuclear testing and nuclear power, and Bono has asserted himself on many fronts in recent years, particularly for debt relief for African nations and the health crisis in Africa. Roger Bunn has commented on Bono's cavalier attitude at OnlineTV.

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