Tuesday, November 08, 2005

Free Keane Concerts OnlineTV Global Network Free Music Download

Free Keane Concert - First Live Broadcast Announced by OnlineTV

Keane, the hottest thing to come out of England in years, seems to have started their International career spring boarding from the live global broadcasts. Taking their act from the in the early days and moving to the other OnlineTV venue, in Soho. No one knows if OnlineTV has any of that footage, but 12 Bar was one of their broadcast venues too. With everyone comparing Keane to , who resided on the same Records, or in the early days. . I think the Keane sound more like , , , or .

From what we got to see on the servers today, is great. Young, raw, and still in the embryonic stages it was like watching the in their Cavern days. We saw a great 9 minute clip that had some brilliant moments and certainly hope that OnlineTV will release some more of their archives from Keane as well as other great bands.

We heard you guys have some unseen !


WebSite Links for this:
OnlineTV | MusicTV | Keane Band Website
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Thursday, November 03, 2005

My Chemical Romance Bring UK Lot To the TOP

My Chemical Romance Take MTV Wood
My Chemical Romance took high honors today from MTV. Taking the prestigious top prize of the mtvU Woodie Awards as Artist of the Year. These are awards where the American college students across the nation voted in its second year of action. Notably MCR are Brits!
Now that MY Chemical Romance or MCR have made the American grade, they lead the pack against other contenders in the same genre. These include , , , , Thursday, and

Joining in the struggle to stay on top of the charts with bands like (best live action video), (best animation), (best tour) and (best emerging artist).

They join a couple other Brit bands who are coming to the US market that include our favorites . Also from Britian and took some of that MTV woody home with them.

We are happy to see a band like My Chemical Romance take to the US because the British sound is coming around again. Visit their site My Chemical Romance to get a taste of some real rockin brit music. It'll have you dancin for sure mate!

Rick Siegel

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Wednesday, November 02, 2005

Free Media Players Free OnlineTV Media Player OnlineTV Global Network Player

Thats right, the OnlineTV Global 2 MediaPlayer is available here for free!

You won't believe all the great channels already programmed into the player. It carries the OnlineTV name for heavens sake! Check out this deal, it is the best it gets!

The Original OnlineTV Global Network of family sites is proud to help offer this player, The onlineTV 2 player is more than only one radio recorder. Take completely legally your favourite music from the InterNet on onlineTV 2 take up automatically hundreds of music titles and store these alternatively as MP3, OGG or WAV file. Work on their taken up titles afterwards with the audio editor and burn you them best on a music CD; naturally everything in a program over the intuitive surface.

But onlineTV 2 is not limited to the photograph function. Select between hundreds of Musikvideo's your favourite song. Hear your Lokalsender e.g. radio NDR2 or radio FFH directly over the computer. Pick the current message out of your daily paper ... from each point of the earth!

Das Internet macht vieles einfacher
selbst das oder das Empfangen von Online-TV. Denn viele Radio- und TV-Stationen senden Ihre Programme auch im Internet. Die Audio-Streams dürfen sogar völlig legal und kostenlos mitgeschnitten werden. Mit "Online TV Global 2" geht das besonders einfach: Die Software speichert und verwaltet sowohl die Sender als auch die Songs
Einzelne Lieder aufnehmen
Ob Oldies oder aktuelle Hits: "Online TV Global 2" nimmt sie auf Wunsch alle auf. Dabei erkennt die Software automatisch, wann ein neues Lied beginnt und speichert es als neue MP3-, OGG oder WAV-Datei auf der Festplatte ab. Damit die Musik-Sammlung mit der Zeit nicht zu unübersichtlich wird, lassen sich die aufgenommenen Titel mit der Medienbibliothek komfortabel verwalten. Über den ID3-Tag Editor können Sie zusätzlich Informationen zu den einzelnen Titeln abfragen und ergänzen.

Jztzt Kaufen als Download* für nur FREE

Download OnlineTV Global 2 Media Player For FREE!

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Saturday, October 22, 2005

Too Cool For School a Smash Top Forty Hit for Richard Black

MusicTV has free downloads of a new Richard Black
release, from records. If you?re into real roots rock and roll this is it. One can hear the influences of , , and as the song thunders into the chorus. your, Too Cool for School. Yeah, this is .

You will be stomping your feet to the beat and humming this tune, there is no doubt.

Richard Black is no newcomer to the music scene. His heritage is well established. Further his touring years in the UK brought him fame as the best of the ?blues shouters.? During those years in the UK he worked with of as well as (of early , whose songs were covered by and other greats) earning him wide industry respect that culminated in an invitation to play for the opening of Soccer?s World Cup.

A little plug for his new CD out on , Shades of Blue by Richard Black, buy it at stores today, or ask Amazon. Check out another song, by , on our big sister site OnlineTV in their free legal music download section. Enjoy the free legal music download!

Go to MusicTV and get to the Free Downloads / Music Section for "Too Cool for School"
Go to OnlineTV and get to the Free Downloads / Music Section for "Cherokee Mist" by Jimi Hendrix

Web Site Links for CD:
Skorpyo International Records

Tuesday, October 18, 2005

U2 Bono Pull Boner - Put in With Hillary and Santorum

U2, along with their singer Bono, were being courted by two of the most evil people on the planet. Bono may think he is politically savy but he has been played for a schmuck for some time. Most of us laugh at the millionaire tool as he is taken in by both evil Democrats and fatter and more evil Republicans.

, executive director of DATA (debt AIDS trade Africa), the Africa advocacy group co-founded by , said in a statement this week that, "Throughout the , politicians from both sides have been organizing fundraisers at the venues or around specific shows. Neither DATA or Bono are involved in these and they cannot be controlled."

Fans had delugged the group and in particular Bono for allowing the likes of and the facist pundit from Pennsylvannia to wow them with luxury sweets and luxury treats for the privilage of sharing bread with them.

With the rulers of the world aware that they can ride the backs of artists into the hearts of the youth traps like this will catch the beast. How deep they fall is a matter of how badly they want to keep their money. Bono and U2 were well into this courting of the kings until the fans started to ask too many questions and put up a large row on the website. Bono has capitulated and canceled some of the parties for the biggies.

"The are categorically not fundraisers for any politician--they are rock concerts for U2 fans," he continued.

In the past, U2 has backed campaigns in the past against nuclear testing and nuclear power, and Bono has asserted himself on many fronts in recent years, particularly for debt relief for African nations and the health crisis in Africa. Roger Bunn has commented on Bono's cavalier attitude at OnlineTV.

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Rolling Stones The Big Bang Scores with the Italian Connection

Rolling Stones Bang scores with the Italian Connection

It took Mick Jagger and the craggly faced geezers 40 years to finally get a chart topping album in the Papal states, but Bang shoots back. For years the Rolling Stones reached and failed to get their complete albums to chart, reaching the charts with greatest hits boxed. Seems the Italians like their Mick in small licks. One such set spearheaded by the master of hype Andrew Oldham in 1965.

But now they have finally stepped into their own, albeit 40 years later.

Virgin Music Italy director of marketing Mario Sala says "The band, after having been considered dinosaurs in the 1980s and 1990s, are deemed cool again,"

Well being cool dinasaurs is something to strive for the Stones continue to deliver solid as a rock. But we wonder what they look like without the wigs and makeup?

More blogs about Rolling Stones.
OnlineTV | MusicTV | OnlineTV Blog

Monday, October 17, 2005

MusicTV Lyric Search Engine - Rolling Stones Lyrics

MusicTV has launched its new Free Music Lyric Database. MusicTV in association with OnlineTV at OnlineTV.com have now got the OnlineTV Lyric Database ready for you to try out.

That is right. You can find thousands of lyrics. The Rolling Stones are on tour again and you can find their lyrics here as well as Bob Dylan, Brittany Spears, even Pete Segar! You can upload your own or your favorite groups lyrics! Make them famous at MusicTV! This is fun!

Go and find your song lyric now in the MusicTV Lyric website.

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Sunday, October 16, 2005

MusicTV offers FREE download of OnlineTV 2 Media Player version 2.8

MusicTV in association with OnlineTV at OnlineTV.com have now got the OnlineTV 2 Media Player available at their site for a free download and use.

That is right. You can download and get free use with this version of OnlineTV 2.8! Just head over to the download area at MusicTV.com for you OnlineTV Media Player. Over 1000 media channels listed! This software lets you capture anyones stream.

Here is that direct link to that MusicTV download area:


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Friday, October 14, 2005

MusicTV Has New Blog

MusicTV has a new blog at blogger. It is at http://musictv2.blogspot.com

Welcom to all readers.